When to Get in Touch

The best way to get in touch is the contact form below, but I've listed some of the most frequently asked questions for your convenience.

Please read through the FAQ before getting in touch. If I have already answered your question below you will not receive a response from me.

It usually takes me about 30 days or more to respond. Sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. There’s only one of me and lots of wonderful yous so I appreciate your patience.


Where are you located?

The traditional lands of the Nisenan and Miwkoʔ Waaliʔ also known as Sacramento, CA. Learn more through the sacred act of Land Acknowledgement.

What are your pronouns?


Where can I purchase Worts + Cunning Apothecary products?

I don’t sell any products at this time, but instead focus on teaching online and my patreon community.

Are you currently on sabbatical?


Do you have any classes? What are they about?

I have five! One is called The Lunar Apothecary and it's a course on herbal medicine and magick to help you discover the healer within. I also teach a course on the healing intersections of tarot and herbalism called The Tarot Apothecary. And then there is Begin With The Breath: Simple Meditations for Magickal Folk which is a collection of some of my most loved breathwork based mindfulness practices. My two newest offerings are Solace: Herbs & Essences for Sensitive People and The Plant Ally Library!

Are you currently working on any new courses? What are they?

Yes, but one is a secret project that’ll I’ll be able to share about later this year. My latest course was published in 2023 and is available exclusively for my newsletter subscribers. I’m very slowly working on a course on the sliding scale and financial accessibility that’ll be offered by donation. My patrons have also requested a course on magickal herbalism which is slowly in the works. The best way to find out when they’re coming out is by becoming a subscriber to Magick Mail or a patron.

How much of your writing or courses are AI generated?

None! I do not use AI generated content in any of my work.

When do you offer sales? Do you have an extended payment plan for your classes?

Glad you asked! All of my courses have payment plans that are available all year round or are permanently offered on a generous sliding scale. Below I’ve listed my sales schedule for 2025 and you can learn more about why I do this and how we create access not scarcity in our marketing here. When I launch a new course (which you can be notified of via my newsletter) I’ll offer it at a discount for a limited period.

  • January 27 - 31 · J-Term Sale · Sign up for my complete bundle of my courses for 40% off! No discount code necessary and you can access the sale on my school page.

  • February 24 - March 3 · Extended Access Sale · You'll be able to sign-up for The Lunar Apothecary at $38 a month for eight months and The Tarot Apothecary for $20 a month for four months. During this time, I also offer an “Extra Support Membership” at $12 for Solace and The Plant Ally Library.

  • June 23 - July 7 · Annual Sale · My once-a-year sale on The Lunar Apothecary and The Tarot Apothecary where you’ll be able to get 30% off. My patrons get early access to the sale and 35% off. Why not Begin With The Breath, Solace or The Plant Ally Library as well? Begin With The Breath is already offered for as little as $3 so I won’t be offering further discounts and Solace and The Plant Ally Library are also offered on a sliding scale year round. You’ll find all the discount codes posted on the sales pages for each course throughout the sale period.

  • August 25 - September 3 · Extended Access Sale · Same as February's offer.

  • December TBD · Patron Sale · An exclusive sale just for my patreon community.

Oh no! I missed your annual sale or extended access sale! Can you extend it for me?

Once the annual sale has passed it is over for the year, but it will be back next year! The extended access sales happen twice a year and I always let folks know about any of my upcoming sales through my newsletter.

Do you offer scholarships?

At this time I do not offer scholarships for my courses.

Do you teach in person?

I sure do! You can find all of my in-person events here.

Do you see clients? Do you do in-person, phone or email consultations?

I am not currently taking new clients or do any consultations at this time.

Can you recommend a practitioner for me?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or resources to do individualized recommendations for matching you to a practitioner. Fortunately, there are so many practitioners out there and I recommend starting local (local herb shops can be a good place to go) and working out from there.

Do you do tarot or oracle readings for people?

No, but I’ve published a lot of spreads if you’re interested in casting cards for yourself.

Do you have a Patreon? How can I support your work?

Yes! Come on over and check it out. If Patreon is just not your thing and you’d rather donate money directly, come this way to read bad poetry and support my work. Your support means that I’m able to continue to offer free and low-cost resources both online and in-person - thank you!

I love your sliding scale information! Can I post it on my site?

With proper credit and a link back to my work - yes! I would love to know if you do because I appreciate all the ways that folks have adapted the work to their own community needs. If you would like to support my work and my ability to continue to write about and create resources about financial accessibility click here.

Do you accept guest posts for your blog?

I do not.

Do you accept products to review on your blog?

No, I do not.

How do I make tea?

Very easily. Learn how to make a proper cup of tea and a medicinal strength tea.

Where can I buy herbs?

While I can not give personalized recommendations on where you can buy herbs, you can start your search by checking out your local herb shops, community co-ops, and consider growing your own! When looking at sellers, whether online or not, try to find herbs grown closer to you if possible and herbs that are grown and harvested by folks who are paid equitably for their time and effort.

I need herbal advice! I have “x” condition – can you help me?

I recommend that you get in touch with your local herbalist to help you on your healing path. I do not do email consultations and will not respond if you're looking for medical advice. Here’s a helpful guide on how to find an herbalist. If you want to become your own herbalist, keep reading.

I want to know more about “x” herb - can you help me?

While I don’t have time to answer questions about specific herbs and their uses, fortunately there are an abundance of herbal books (many available for free at your local library) and online resources for you to do your own research. Sites like Henriette’s Herbal, The Naturopathic Herbalist, botanical.com, SWSBM, are just a tiny few available, and not to mention the growing number of scientific studies (Search the databases! Have fun! Drink tea! Get dizzy with knowledge!) that continue to be produced about herbal medicine. I also have a collection of plant profiles over in The Plant Ally Library. Of course, connect with local herbalists and elders if you can to learn from them through appropriate reciprocity, hang out with herbal study groups, and seek out all the incredible resources available to the modern herbal student.

I want to be an herbalist. How do I learn more about herbalism?

Hurray! We need more herbalists and plant folks working as partners between people, creatures, and plants. Check out my series on the path of the herbalist for some recommendations to start and my Plant Ally Project page for some more great resources for the herbal student. Here are my favorite books for beginners. I also occasionally teach in-person classes in Sacramento (aka the traditional lands of the Nisenan and Miwkoʔ Waaliʔ). Be sure to sign-up for my Magick Mail for announcements.

What are your opinions on evidence-based community care?

I love it and my herbalism is centered in the idea that we are all deeply interconnected - there is no “other” - and that healing work is community work. I’m grateful that through global cooperation we can reduce suffering with evidence-based medicine like vaccines which are all part of creating community resiliency alongside modalities like herbal medicine.

I want to start an herbal business and/or need help designing tea blends - can you help?

I don’t do business consultations or provide product design services but I wish you luck in your endeavors. We need more community apothecaries and tea shops!

Do you sell herbal remedies for the signs of the zodiac?

I do not but I have a great recommendation for you! Gifted by Freefrom has a beautiful collection of self-care gift boxes for each sign of the zodiac each created by survivor entrepreneurs. It’s a super rad organization so please support them.

Do you take on apprentices? Do you offer one-on-one mentoring?

Very occasionally but not at this moment. If you want to learn from me outside of an apprenticeship or mentorship program, including answering questions, offering guidance, and generally having a good time learning about herbal medicine and magick check out my ecourse The Lunar Apothecary (or any of my other online classes). I also teach in-person classes in Sacramento, CA (aka the traditional lands of the Nisenan and Miwkoʔ Waaliʔ). Be sure to sign-up for my Magick Mail for announcements.

I want to be a witch! Can you teach me or recommend me personalized resources?

I wish I had all the time in the world to do this on an individual basis, but alas, I do not. I write about magick throughout my blog and all of my courses are informed by my own magickal practice, so have a scroll through my work, sign-up for a course if you like or catch me at one of my in-person events where I’m talking about all arts magickal.

Can you recommend a school for me?

No. There are new herbal study options popping up every day and I don’t keep track of them nor am I the best resource for helping you discover what sort of program is going to be the right fit for your needs. In your search take into consideration your learning style (i.e. do you need in-person support as opposed to an online self-guided program? Both are valid options.), time you have to commit to your studies, financial cost (balancing your ability to afford lessons and the need to pay teachers fairly), and the style of herbalism you’re wanting to learn. The American Herbalist Guild has a list of schools that serves as a good starting point and be sure to search out local teachers and schools in your area.

I love your recipes! Can I have them?

Yup! In addition to the free recipes you'll find on my site, I also have a series of recipe books featuring some of the Apothecary's most popular recipes and more. They are free for all of my patrons. Check them out here!

I heard you have a secret page full of recipes, workbooks, and magick! How do I get access?

I do have a secret page of additional content for my Magick Mail subscribers. Once you sign-up for Magick Mail you'll be given information on how to access it upon subscription and at the bottom of every newsletter.

What are the tarot and oracle decks you have pictured throughout your blogs?

Hover over any of the images of tarot and oracle decks on my blog and the information will pop up! I also occasionally list the name of decks shown at the end of a post.

Can you help me find and/or sell a tarot deck? Will you advertise my tarot/oracle fundraising campaign to your followers?

No. I only sell decks from my own collection on rare occasions and I don’t offer tarot deck finding services. If you’re looking for an out-of-print deck my best advice to keep the search consistent and varied in the places that you look. And magick. Lots of magick.

As for fundraising campaigns like kickstarter, indiegogo, etc. I appreciate all the work folks are putting in to launch successful tarot and oracle projects. While I occasionally share a campaign that I find on my own with my newsletter readers, that is far and few between, and something that I choose on my own.

Can I interview you for my blog? Will you guest post for my blog?

I enjoy doing interviews and guest posts depending on the theme of your blog and my availability. To invite me as a guest blogger or for an interview on your blog contact me using the form below and send me your blog information (including site stats such as monthly readership numbers, who your readers are, etc.), a short write-up of who you are, what you do, and why you're interested in having me guest blog or be interviewed. I'll get back to you to let you know of my availability if I think we're a good fit.

Will you check out my website / blog / fundraising campaign and give me your feedback?

I’m flattered that you’d want me to take a look at your project, but it is not something that I have time or energy for. It’s a big deal to finally launch a new website or campaign and I hope you’ve taken a moment to relish in that accomplishment. I wish you luck with your endeavors!

Will you respond to my email if my question has already been answered on this page?

If I’ve already answered your question in my FAQ I will not respond to your email. Unfortunately I do not have the time or capacity to respond to every email I receive, especially those that have questions already addressed via my FAQ. Thanks for understanding!

Read the FAQ and still have questions?
Get in touch.

The best way to get in touch is the contact form below, but I've listed some of the most frequently asked questions for your convenience. If I have already answered your question in the FAQ above, you will not receive a response from me.

It usually takes me about 30 days or more to respond. Sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. There’s only one of me and lots of wonderful yous so I appreciate your patience.

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