Quickening: An Imbolc Tarot Spread
While pulling a card is a common affair in the Apothecary, throughout the year I take time to pull a full spread that helps me to connect with the current energies of the seasons (the mighty macrocosm) as well as my own rhythms (the mighty microcosm). Checking in with myself helps me to be able to check in with others better. I am a better member of my relationships, my communities, and my family when I take time to know what is going on in my world. Tarot has been one of my oldest tools of sorcerous accountability - the 78 ever-changing paths of wisdom help lead me back to myself again and again. As the wheel of the year turns, I invite you to make time for tarot, some tea, sacred songs, maybe some dancing, and get tucked into your story and the truths it tells.
Imbolc is a time of quickening. The word Imbolc is from the Gaelic for “in the belly” and speaks of the promise of spring, even when winter lingers. Think of the earth stretching before arising from her winter bed and her blood warming beneath her skin of soil. Our Quickening tarot spread for Imbolc is about paying attention to those seed dreams we discovered within ourselves in the dark of the year, focusing on how we can nurture our dream into reality.
1. SEED. What is the dream seed that I hope to grow in the brightening year?
2 + 3. QUICKENING. What energies are stirring awake within me? What part of myself that has been slumbering is slowly awakening?
4. FIRE. What aids and inspires my dream seed?
5. ICE. What blocks and challenges my dream seed?
6 + 7. FORGE. How can I support and shape my dream into reality? What are my best tools for the job?
8. SURFACING. What part of my dream is currently emerging and what should I seek to support right now?
Want to learn more about the herbs and essences of Imbolc? I'm glad you asked! Check out my post Quickening: Herbs of Imbolc.
Looking for more magickally inspired Tarot spreads?
You're invited to peruse my tarot + divination series. Or do you want to learn about herbalism and tarot? Check out The Tarot Apothecary. Find all the tarot spreads in my Wheel of the Year series via the links below:
Blessed Imbolc, sacred ones!
background photo by ales krivec