Naming the Moon to Empower Your Year
Wild Moon
Poem Remembering Moon
Healing Moon
Corn Moon
The Eye Opens Moon
Queer Joy Moon
Psychic Moon
The Moon has been given a thousand names over the generations for her circuit through the seasons and the celestial wheel of the year. Some of us belong to people who still remember the names of the Moon while others come from people whose knowledge has been forgotten, taken or set aside. But there is never not a point in which we are making myths about the Moon that in generations to come will seem ancient and revered.
My invitation to you, is to name the Moons of the year as an act of empowerment. To name is to speak truth. To name is to share experience. To name is to disrupt the silence of ignorance.
And holy heck, wise ones, we need to disrupt ignorance in 2017. So why not through a bit of Moon magick? Engaging with lunar cycles in addition to or instead of the Roman calendar subverts the idea that time and experience is linear when, in fact, magick-makers and dreamers (like you) have long known that is it cyclical and labyrinthine.
Naming the Moon is a simple thing and can be based on any number of inspirational sources. Here is a short list to spark some ideas:
Cultural reference to a people that you are descended from or were brought up within.
Reference to the season of the place that you live, i.e. Northwest US Moon Names versus Southeast Scotland Moon Names.
Names based off of a mother tongue that you are re-learning or re-claiming.
Referring to stones, herbs, or animals based on the energy you sense with each moon, attributes you want to call to you each month or the seasonal year (such as the appearance of Dandelion in spring).
Astrological reference, such as naming a Cancer Full Moon a Deep Feels Moon.
Honoring ancestors, beloved and mighty, God/dess/es and/or spirits by naming Moons in their honor.
Aligning the names of the Moons with your calling or profession. Such as a Blank Page Moon for writers or Steady Needle Moon for an Acupuncturist.
For many years I have named the Moons, beginning with January’s Full Moon, as such in my personal practice: Quiet Moon, Candle Moon, Storm Moon, Budding Moon, Flower Moon, Bonfire Moon, Bee Moon, Honey Moon, Harvest Moon, Blood Moon, Bone Moon, and Cold Moon (and, of course, Blue Moon for the thirteenth Moon of the year).
But now I feel a restlessness to name anew.
In the time of drought and water protectors, perhaps January’s Full Moon is named Rains Returning Moon or River Dreaming Moon. And since I sometimes forget the power of my own heart to carry my most profound truths, perhaps I’ll rename my birth month Thunderous Heart from the true but simple Storm Moon. By renaming these Moons I begin to dream myself awake into the year ahead. I set intentions. I plan my magick and then I live it with each passing phase of Luna in the sky.
In naming the Moon we speak to our own inner Moon - which we can learn about by studying our birth or natal chart. But whether or not you ever explore your birth chart, know that the Moon represents (and is) your inner truth. Our Sun sign represents our inherent vitality and drive to shine and be successful out in the world. Our Ascendent or Rising sign describes the tools and our unique personality which we use to be successful on our adventures. Yet, the Moon is not concerned with success or the tools by which we come by it - the Moon is concerned with story. The Moon represents your true story and your sense of spiritual home. In many ways, the Moon represents what is yours and no one else’s. It is your secret and sacred place that you are completely, remarkably, and wholly you. Within the Moon you are unhidden to yourself.
To name the celestial Moon as they journey each night across the sky, is to name the internal Moon. In the naming you speak one small, but important, star glimmer of your story out loud. And the names become watchwords of power invoking the story of you with ever recitation.
And on one magnificent night, you’ll turn to the sky and speak your words of power and the veil will part and the Moon will sing your name back to you. And you’ll realize that both sounds are pouring forth from the same source. May that night come swiftly, wise one.
If you’re wanting to go deeper with the practice through journal prompts, self-reflection, and a bit of plant magick, you can access my Naming the Moons, Naming Myself workbook via the Magick Mail Apothecary. You're always welcome to go all in and join The Lunar Apothecary.
Whatever 2017 brings, may it be a year that you name yourself and speak the truth of the world within and around you.